One of my resolutions this year was STAMP more and SEND more. A related resolution was to remember service members that are, as our pastor would say, " doing dangerous and difficult jobs in dangerous and difficult places". Addresses of several deployed members were posted on a church bulletin board so I snagged them. Yesterday I finally had a chance to play with
The Free and the Brave -- I don't want to tell you how long it has been in my stack of stamps! I kept stamping, changing layouts, and coming upstairs for Byron's opinion (I'm sure he enjoyed that-- he was trying to study!). His opinion is valuable to me because he is the first to tell me if I am going "over the top". As these are to thank the addressees for their service, I wanted to be pretty sedate and dignified, and to only use embellishments if it truly added something appropriate to the card. Here are some the designs we finally agreed we liked. Heidi, Mike is getting the one immediately below!

Byron didn't care for the rhinestone brad in this one, but did agree that it needed
something. What we couldn't agree on was exactly what it did need!

I also used a Bravo Burgundy/Night of Navy combo on some cards. That is a very "Americana" color combo that I loved using for
Land That I Love (another oldie but goodie that needs to see some ink--maybe next month). I didn't care for it so much with this stamp set, though-- not sure why. Maybe a bit too sober when compared to the Real Red cards?
On to thank you cards today, as my sub day was canceled (darn budget cuts!)-- as some of you have no doubt noticed, they are LONG overdue!
Have a great day!