Testing, testing....this is only a test.....are you out there? As promised, here is my first blog candy event! Why is this a test? I'm trying to get a good read on how many people actually read my blog, and if the "subscribe by email" function works. This first "candy" give-away is restricted to those in the Stafford area (if you are close enough to come for class, you are eligible to enter). I'll do an non-restricted one in the future. The candy is a new, unmounted set called Bitty Basics. Here's what you have to do to win:
*Leave a comment describing how many of these images you think you could use on one card or scrapping page;
or (for those of you who have had difficulty in leaving comments on the blog)
*Send me an email describing the same.
That's it! I will put the names of all the entrants on slips of paper and have an impartial person (Byron, the kids, my neighbor at the bus stop) draw a winner! Enter by Thursday March 5. I'll announce the winner here on the blog on Friday, March 6. Good luck!
I would probably use 4 of the pictures as in a quilt design, then use the word smile. I love getting the blog updates, too!