October is Church Staff Appreciation Month! At times like these I am so glad I am a crafter, because there is no way I could buy gift cards for all the people at church I need to thank for their efforts with my children. Even if my kids were little angels, a thank you would be in order. As they are NOT, I start planning for October in August! Notice I said
planning because execution usually is the night before. This year, 1/2 was done in advance (progress!) and 1/2 on Saturday.

Recognize the mini composition notebooks and jumbo paperclip bookmarks? We saved them for this, paired with some Hershey's Bliss chocolates and packaged in a cello bag with a cardstock topper. I LOVE cello bags, they make packaging a breeze! My Sizzlits "thank you" was perfect for this. I no longer put the
Big Shot away, it stays on the side table, because it truly makes crafting easier. These 5 went to Molly's middle school Sunday School teachers.

Russell has 2 Sunday School teachers this year and I am always amazed at how cheerful and loving these ladies are, despite the uproar of a HUGE class of 4th graders all eager to contribute, talk, play games, talk, hunt for Bible verses, TALK! I help out once a month and it never fails: Miss Amy and Miss Melinda are smiling when the kids arrive and smiling when they leave (no small feat, that). For them, and Miss Shari, the Children's Ministries Director, post-it note books bound with the BIA. In the middle of the flower embellishment is a circle that reads, "
In everything, give thanks- 1 Thess. 5:18" which I thought so appropriate! That's from
Happy Harmony, a SAB set from a few years ago that I hung on to. I painted a clear round button with Crystal Effects and put it directly over the saying-- it really pops in real life. Each bag also has a RSVP pen (with coordinating paper in the barrel) and what else? Hershey's Bliss Chocolates (thankfully, the last ones in the house, so the diet is safe for another day). The tag is from
God's Blessings:
Blessings brighten when we count them. Thank you for blessing my life in such a wonderful way!

Did you know tomorrow is National Bus Driver Appreciation Day? I forgot too! We just have one bus driver year, and Russell is not on the bus at all tomorrow, so she'll get her thank you on Tuesday. That gives me time to make something for her.....it is so chilly today that maybe a collection of teas, coffees, and chocolates would be welcome........ I'll post it after I figure out what to do and make it!
Blessings to you!!